Monday, April 14, 2008

inscribed angle- an inscribed angle is an angle made up of two chords. since its made up of chords, the vertex of the angle will be ON the circle.

Intercepted Arc- the minor arc defined by the two endpoints of chords forming an inscribed angle that are not part of the vertex of the inscribed angle.

INscribed Angle Theorem 10-5: the measure of an angle inscribed in a circle is equal to half the measure of the intercepted arc (or, the measure of an intercepted arc arc is twice the measure of the inscribed angle.

The arc intercept theorem: if two inscribed angles intercept congruent arcs or the same arc, the angles are congruent

the right angle theorem -if an inscribed angle intercepts a simicircle, then the angle is a right angle.
Inscribed qaudrillateral theorem- if a qudrilateralis inscribed ina circle then its oppisite angles are supplemetary

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